
Transparency Is Dangerous

April 17, 2016

hy would Hillary refuse to provide the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs? Because she is afraid you and me and John Q. Public would not vote for her. She is afraid it would destroy her campaign. She’s correct. Though it is being seriously devalued in this election cycle, your vote is the most […]

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Says Who?

September 1, 2015

f you have a large amount of debt, cut expenses; tighten your belt. Who says? Says the people who want to screw you again – and make you pay for it again. True, there are others saying the same thing but they are either the toadies of the above parasites or the gullible, touting the […]

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Our Goose Is Cooked

February 1, 2012

ow many minutes has it been since you heard someone call this the greatest country in the world? How many seconds? Did you agree? Ooops. Was it you saying that? It used to be arguably true. We got accustomed to telling ourselves it was so. We believed it. Many of us, most of us still […]

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How To Lose

November 3, 2010

There are a few truisms in politics. It is obvious that the Democrats have yet to learn them. It appears necessary to take them back for a review of PoliSci 101. Any nationwide election is multifaceted. This one was especially so. That means both the mistakes and correctives are many. I can cover them all but most […]

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