
They Are Wrong

August 11, 2011

on’t listen. They are all saying the same thing, so it must be wrong. There aren’t that many intelligent people in finance, politics and the media. We are assured that the crash of the stock market is the result of our massive debt. Really? The market, whose computers are among the fastest in the world, […]

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What Caused The Debt?

July 12, 2011

What caused the debt? That sounds like an easy question. Could that be the problem? One would hope that our “leaders” could get their arms around a simple question. Well, apparently we never learn. The short-bus riders on The Hill are pretending to deal with what to do about the debt. It seems logical to […]

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Wrong Again

June 28, 2011

Oh, how I wish this were the knockout blow. Sorry, it’s not. Nothing will ever get through the thick skulls of the ideologues. How many times must I tell you? Ideologies are oversimplifications by the intellectually constipated that appeal to the intellectually lazy and are usually wrong? Harsh? Hardly. Regrettably, my vocabulary is inadequate to […]

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Listen To Me

December 4, 2010

The revelations by Wikileaks point for me to a personal nexus. Because of this, I ask you to trust me; to trust my take on this entire brouhaha. It’s easy to go with the overwhelming push by the government, the media, the powers that be. If one side is all you have ever heard, it […]

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Which Way?

February 10, 2010

Today, speaking of the bonuses, Obama says, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.” Not that long ago he was calling those bonuses obscene and shameful. Which is it? Larry Summers was in full support of anything that the Wall Street casinos […]

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Say What?

September 25, 2008

Sometimes you wonder if certain people are familiar with the Mother Tongue. Few politicians, at least since Adlai Stevenson, have been fully literate. So, we cut them some slack. Despite their profession, either most of the media share the same disadvantage or they are exceptionally forgiving to their partners in crime. Given the quality and […]

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