
The Real Trump Exposed

June 27, 2018

othing that Trump shows us is authentic. He is a simpleton that inherited lots of money. His incessant boasting of his financial acumen is a sham. An index fund is a type of mutual fund. The portfolio is designed to match the market. It is an automatic, brainless bet. The people who follow such things […]

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Trump Is Unfathomably Ignorant

May 7, 2016

rump, despite his braggadocio, is not a successful businessman. He has mastered the media. That is not the same. He is simply a showman whose taste runs to the gaudy and whose social skills are more appropriate to the sandbox. Denizens of Wall Street estimate that his personal wealth would have been just as high […]

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The Reagan Voodoo Legacy

March 21, 2015

irst, a few warnings. This article is on economics, the justly termed ‘dismal science.’ True, it’s not all that entertaining but it is worthwhile. It is my longest post ever, 4 to 5 times as long as usual. Still, it merits everyone’s attention. Lastly, I didn’t write it. Aaah. My apologies. It is a cut-and-paste […]

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March 5, 2013

t’s over. Most people didn’t realize there was a war. Is it really a war when only one side fights? They won while we sat around congratulating ourselves on being a part of the “Greatest Country in the World.” Just how is it the “Greatest?” One of every four prisoners in the world are in […]

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Invisible Handjob

April 19, 2011

Please don’t jump to the conclusion that I am a socialist based on this article. Socialism has at least as many problems and inanities as capitalism. Also, it is not the only alternative. Besides, I detest all ideologies. All that I ask is that you not insult me by associating me with any of them. […]

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Bad Is Good

September 8, 2010

John Maynard Keynes said, “Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.” Ben Bernanke, of the Federal Reserve, tells us that the market will cause the too-big-to-fail banks to get smaller. He assures us that the people who caused […]

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