
Looking In the Wrong Direction

May 8, 2016

oving, a few necessary trips and scheduling a few more joint replacements, added to trying to do sufficient research for the books I’m working on, don’t leave much time for this blog. You likely aren’t too disappointed on the occasions I find a substitute to expound on an important issue. Here’s another such time. This […]

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Money Talks

March 28, 2012

s money speech? The Money Court says it is. I’m becoming a believer. The deference shown by the Court to those with money was clear with that brilliant joke known as the Citizens United decision. Today, Roberts and Alito provided further evidence that money is more important than people. I really didn’t think we needed […]

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Imagination At Work

April 1, 2011

I pay more taxes than General Electric. You pay more taxes than General Electric. Technically, they pay more, just not to the United States Government. For some reason, though the bulk of their business income comes from this country, they always seem to lose money here and make tremendous profits overseas. Why didn’t TurboTax do […]

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Do You Want A Democracy?

October 7, 2009

Do you REALLY want a democracy? The healthcare reform farce we see in Congress is proof positive that we do not actually enjoy a democracy in the United States. Who is to blame? You and me. Who can bring back democracy? Only you and me. How, you ask. Well, that’s what I’m here for. I […]

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It Ain’t That Complicated

September 18, 2009

Change. Change? What change? How about some meaningful change? Three issues are at the top of the agenda. They share a commonality. They are healthcare, the economic crisis and the impending decision by the Supreme Court on Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission. The commonality they share is the usurpation of power by corporations […]

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Too Much Money

September 3, 2009

Can there be such a thing as too much money? Apparently. There can be situations where the amount becomes an embarrassment. That point of embarrassment may come when you are among the very top recipients of bribes from the healthcare industry. A little blush in the cheeks does not quell the desire for financial rewards, […]

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Alice In Washingtonland

August 18, 2009

In 1865 Lewis Carroll wrote a classic for children. However, the logic contained therein seems to be the basis for present political discourse. A firestorm was kicked up this past weekend by comments from Obama and Kathleen Sibelius. Has his “requirement” of a public option itself become an option, a dispensable element of a plan […]

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Drip, Redux

August 13, 2009

A few of us are unfortunate enough to be able to remember the decade of the 1950s. I’ll refrain from naming names. But, I will if I have to. There was a major scare back in that strange, misbegotten decade. The “Bomb,” of course. No. Even scarier. The Communists had an even more devious plot […]

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What’s The Difference?

August 7, 2009

What’s the difference? Well, they are both smiling. They are both wearing suits and ties. They are both using the flag to make people think they care about America. Neither gives a damn about their constituents. Among the differences is the fact that one is a Senator; the other is a former member of the […]

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It’s Time

July 30, 2009

It’s been more than two weeks. Both e-mail and telephone contacts have failed to elicit any response. So far, my offers to debate my congressman during the August recess have gone unanswered. It’s  possible you have heard the term Blue Dog Democrat. This is used to identify a group of congressmen who in the past […]

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