
Another Hillary Disaster

April 16, 2016

t is beyond belief that anyone could trust the honesty, competency or judgment of Hillary Clinton. While she has a head-full of wonk, there is no proof that she has mastered it. She had essentially total control of the effort to reform healthcare back in 1993. How did that work out? There is no question that […]

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March 21, 2015

hey could go by many names. The 47 clowns. The 47 idiots. The 47 racists. The 47 bozos. The 47 incompetents. The 47 nincompoops. Take your choice. Or, I would suggest we refer to them at The Illegals. It’s appropriate.

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Will Holder Act on the Logan Act?

March 16, 2015

hen federal law is violated, it is the responsibility of the  Attorney General to indict those violating the law. That seems simple enough. There should be no question. But, will Eric Holder indict the 47 senators scofflaws that, in their contempt for the Constitution, the law, the president and the nation, arrogantly demonstrated their ignorance […]

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Cowards, Traitors and Idiots

March 11, 2015

ere I was, all ready to write letters of thanks to the two senators from my home state. Silly me. Why would I even contemplate such an uncharacteristic act? I saw where Senators Coker and Lamar Alexander were among the seven Republican members of the Senate that did not sign the outrageous letter to the […]

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Police State

August 13, 2014

and of the suspect; home of the cowed and subjugated. It appears that not being of European ancestry is now a capital crime. Somehow that doesn’t ring true to the Pablum™ we were served in high school civics classes. I used to admit to having served as commissioner of emergency services (fire, police and rescue). […]

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They Shoot People, Don’t They?

April 19, 2014

he patsies of the gun manufacturers, largely superposable with the members of the National Rifle Association (NRA), have substituted firearms for their genitalia and gun lobbyists’ cant for thinking. They consider their right to their manufactured machismo more important than the lives of tens of thousands of men, women and kindergarteners. They are too intellectually […]

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Clowns Of The Wild West

April 18, 2014

 ero? Patriot? Not exactly. Criminal? Yes. Millionaire Freeloader? Absolutely Hypocrite? The very definition of one. My grandmother taught me never to trust anyone that wears their religion or patriotism on their sleeve. Well, Cliven Bundy doesn’t always wear it on his sleeve but he does keep the American flag close at hand. He wants you […]

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Cut It Out

March 29, 2012

ave you ever heard a politician advocate cutting taxes? Have you ever been alive? The refrain is constant. It is pure bullshit. They tell us it will create jobs. The facts show otherwise. I can state the facts from here to the end of ignorance and it will do no good. I can show the […]

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You Are The Enemy

January 29, 2012

es, you. You are the enemy. Actually, it’s not you. It’s nothing personal. It’s your attempts to exercize those Constitutional rights you used to have. With me, it is personal. I was once a commissioner of police. One of my grandfathers was a sheriff; the other was a chief of police. In tracing my ancestry […]

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Not A Fan Of Ceilings

June 25, 2011

I am not a fan of ceilings. Well, at home is good. Maybe in most any building. But that’s not the kind that we have as the subject today. We’re talking about the debt ceiling of the federal government. It’s possible one or two people may not be as familiar with this issue as they […]

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