larry summers

Devil’s Advocate

January 20, 2020

hy is Alan laughing? Once upon a time it was assumed that he was familiar with the legal system and acquainted with the Constitution. What happened? Money? Missing the spotlight? Wanting to run with the fast crowd? Dementia?

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Suicide. Really?

August 10, 2019

his post may be a bit premature but I doubt it. Perhaps Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a suicide but there are serious questions. How long will it be before the results of the investigation are made public? All we have from the one concerning an ‘attempt’ a month earlier is that there were marks on […]

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The Reagan Voodoo Legacy

March 21, 2015

irst, a few warnings. This article is on economics, the justly termed ‘dismal science.’ True, it’s not all that entertaining but it is worthwhile. It is my longest post ever, 4 to 5 times as long as usual. Still, it merits everyone’s attention. Lastly, I didn’t write it. Aaah. My apologies. It is a cut-and-paste […]

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Unnatural Gas

March 2, 2012

any of the statements about the availability and costs of gasoline share a similar odor with the gas that is one of the favorite subjects for the jokes of middle school boys. In both cases the sounds come from the same orifice. It’s almost impossible to find a discussion of differences on this issue where either […]

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Which Way?

February 10, 2010

Today, speaking of the bonuses, Obama says, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.” Not that long ago he was calling those bonuses obscene and shameful. Which is it? Larry Summers was in full support of anything that the Wall Street casinos […]

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Says Who?

December 1, 2009

I saw thousands of sheep on my recent trip to the Highlands of Scotland. Most were just grazing on the hillsides. A few were being herded, by border collies, men or both. If I had more time I would have stopped and asked them if they really wanted to be herded to the slaughterhouse. They, […]

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Take My Hand

November 3, 2009

Please don’t be offended by the graphic. I am just offering to lead you through a little bit of a jungle where even the self-proclaimed Tarzans are lost. There are many others out there that insist you put your trust in them. They are dangerous in their hubris. They are either economists or other putative […]

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