
Trump is a Four-Letter Word

June 18, 2018

rump, pure and simple, is a liar. In his recent driveway press scrum, he provably lied 19 times. His first year in office he provably lied more than 3,000 times. As a former math major, I think that qualifies him as a liar.

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We’ve Come To This

January 25, 2017

ow far have we sunk? From the Founding Fathers to the whiny man-child is an incredible stretch. The differences beggar the imagination.

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Enough Already

September 29, 2016

  emember, it would be difficult to find many people that detest both Hillary and Donald more than do I. In addition to my disdain, I am desperately concerned for the future of this country, indeed the entire planet, should the maniac get control of the Supreme Court, the economy, education, the military and access […]

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Will Holder Act on the Logan Act?

March 16, 2015

hen federal law is violated, it is the responsibility of the  Attorney General to indict those violating the law. That seems simple enough. There should be no question. But, will Eric Holder indict the 47 senators scofflaws that, in their contempt for the Constitution, the law, the president and the nation, arrogantly demonstrated their ignorance […]

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