
Who Cares?

November 12, 2020

do. Born in Dayton, Tennessee, raised in Chattanooga, spending 20 years traveling the globe, now in Nashville, why would I care about what happens in Georgia? Because I lived long enough in a suburb of Atlanta to serve as commissioner of public works, commissioner of emergency services (fire, police and rescue), councilman, mayor pro tem […]

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Whose Fault

October 13, 2020

ow would you describe Trump voters?  They can best be described as angry. Angry at what? Angry at who? The easy answer is everything and everyone. That’s niot very helpful though. We need a bit more detailed and focused perspective. That doesn’t mean it will help many of them begin to think rationally.

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Fraudulent Voter-in-Chief Caught

May 17, 2020

rump decries voter fraud. Well, he is speaking from first-hand knowledge of the subject. But, can we believe him? Can we believe anything he says? After all, those who are counting say that he has passed 18,000 lies since he took the oath of office. I’m thinking that act might also qualify.

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 3, 2020

anger, Will Robinson Joe Biden, America. Too many Democrats are thinking too small. If they influence Joe Biden to accept their opinion, we could lose an important result, even while Joe wins the election.

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The Invisible Wall

December 29, 2019

ongress has given Trump a few billion dollars for his wall, They gave it reluctantly and not enough for an entire wall, but still, a few billion should be a start. But, does he really want to build it?

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Trump: The Dangerous Clown

September 14, 2016

ow best to describe Donald Trump? A more naive Neville Chamberlain? A deluded man-child with too much money? A symbol of national lunacy? The result of the plutocracy win? Republican diaper rash from refusal to clean up their act? Why would you not want to vote for Donald Trump? Keith Olbermann is back, (on GQ’s […]

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Wall Street Walkers

June 8, 2016

he Democratic National Committee (DNC) is home to the world’s most expensive prostitutes. Its members get the treats for turning tricks but you and I are the ones that are paying for it. Below is an article by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. Neither they nor I wish to see Trump in the Oval Office, […]

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Another Hillary Disaster

April 16, 2016

t is beyond belief that anyone could trust the honesty, competency or judgment of Hillary Clinton. While she has a head-full of wonk, there is no proof that she has mastered it. She had essentially total control of the effort to reform healthcare back in 1993. How did that work out? There is no question that […]

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Democrats In Danger

May 8, 2015

he Democrats don’t give a damn about us but they still will be surprised when they discover far more of their base sitting on their hands on election day. Obama insists on pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Given the evidence of such accords in the recent past, even more jobs will flow to countries that […]

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Entitlements Of Incompetents

February 20, 2015

s this what Benjamin Franklin was referring to? When Mrs. Powel asked,  “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” The two forms of governing are a monarchy and a republic. The former is hereditary. The other is not. […]

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