dow jones


March 5, 2013

t’s over. Most people didn’t realize there was a war. Is it really a war when only one side fights? They won while we sat around congratulating ourselves on being a part of the “Greatest Country in the World.” Just how is it the “Greatest?” One of every four prisoners in the world are in […]

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February 18, 2012

ou probably think that the most appropriate symbol for America is the flag, the bald eagle. the Liberty Bell or the greenback. Wrong. That’s America’s symbol, right there. The contented cow. It exhibits itself as contentedness but I suspect it is based largely on complacency and the laziness engendered to a great extend by the automobile, […]

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August 1, 2011

Ah. The good old days are returning. If you can remember The Great Depression, get ready for déjà vu. Eighty-odd, very odd, imbeciles have done more damage to this country than we can presently foresee. You thought that you lived in a democracy. If you count Pakistan, Mexico and Iraq as models of democracy, then […]

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September 27, 2010

All of the attention is on the Republican Pledge. Its 21 pages are supposed to tell voters what they promise. Not really. It’s simply a distraction. They deceived the people with the Contract in 1994. The Pledge is supposed to do the same in 2010. They will not accomplish any of the things they promise. […]

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Name That Baby

June 11, 2010

It’s going to be an eventful Summer. We are expecting another granddaughter the end of this month and another grandson early in August. The kids have picked names for their spawn that will cause their victims to question whether mommy and daddy really loved them. They may seek surcease by using initials. I may be […]

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Doing God’s Work

November 25, 2009

The CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, claims that he is doing God’s work. Has God retired? Is God not upset with Lloyd for causing his 401K to tank? Wouldn’t you like to get a peek at God’s portfolio? Such gems of wisdom from one of the Masters of the Universe generates lots of questions. […]

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