
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

July 28, 2011

It’s about time someone got serious. It obviously isn’t going to be anyone inside the Beltway. The politicians consider their careers and their juvenile ideologies more important than the well-being of the nation and its people. Why are we not blanketing this country with recall petitions. Why are we not exhibiting a similar, reciprocal disdain […]

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The Jet Sat

April 30, 2010

There was some interest in the recent volcanic activity in Iceland. Don’t worry. I have no intention of showing off my ability to type its name just to twist your tongue. My own interest was also sparked. I used to work for Delta Air Lines, back in the dark ages before deregulation. It was constantly […]

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GOP Missed The HMS Beagle

February 2, 2009

Do something. If it doesn’t work, do something else. No idea is too crazy. Jim Hightower There are social conservatives. There are national security conservatives. There are fiscal conservatives. There are ideologues who call themselves conservative but are really either lemmings or traitors. For those who might not remember everything they learned in their ninth-grade […]

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Bury Reagan

December 15, 2008

Many will consider this post sacrilegious. They are merely the deluded, the Kool-Aid drinkers. Reaganism has become a religion. Let me be the bearer of bad news. Reagan is dead. Every Republican candidate for president in the recent campaign tried to outdo his rivals in their claims to the mantle of St. Ronny. Now congressmen […]

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The Miracles That Never Were

July 16, 2008

Maybe you’ve heard the plaintive cries: get the government off of our backs (except in the bedroom and on the phone and the net). The ones shedding the tears can’t understand why sane people don’t acknowledge them as prophets and sages. The simple truths are so obvious. Simple? Yes. Obvious? Hardly. Deregulation is just one […]

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