
Who Cares?

November 12, 2020

do. Born in Dayton, Tennessee, raised in Chattanooga, spending 20 years traveling the globe, now in Nashville, why would I care about what happens in Georgia? Because I lived long enough in a suburb of Atlanta to serve as commissioner of public works, commissioner of emergency services (fire, police and rescue), councilman, mayor pro tem […]

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Trump Is Unfathomably Ignorant

May 7, 2016

rump, despite his braggadocio, is not a successful businessman. He has mastered the media. That is not the same. He is simply a showman whose taste runs to the gaudy and whose social skills are more appropriate to the sandbox. Denizens of Wall Street estimate that his personal wealth would have been just as high […]

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August 28, 2014

have lately been deluged with requests for donations from various groups. These groups, various organizations of the Democratic Party and several devoted to specific causes, including gun control, veterans, the environment, immigrants and the similarly oriented, badger me constantly. They ask for a signature on a petition. Then comes the beg. The majority leader of […]

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