
Looking In the Wrong Direction

May 8, 2016

oving, a few necessary trips and scheduling a few more joint replacements, added to trying to do sufficient research for the books I’m working on, don’t leave much time for this blog. You likely aren’t too disappointed on the occasions I find a substitute to expound on an important issue. Here’s another such time. This […]

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Imagination At Work

April 1, 2011

I pay more taxes than General Electric. You pay more taxes than General Electric. Technically, they pay more, just not to the United States Government. For some reason, though the bulk of their business income comes from this country, they always seem to lose money here and make tremendous profits overseas. Why didn’t TurboTax do […]

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May 18, 2010

No. I didn’t forget how to spell capitalism. It’s just that all economies outside of Somalia involve the government. They do so in a variety of ways, with a variety of outcomes. Jon Stewart recently had a guest on the Daily Show. I like Jon but he was taken in by a shill for Wall […]

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