
October 11, 2010

in Politics

Have you ever been angry? Surely you have experienced it at least once.

Would you consider that time of anger the optimal time for making consequential decisions?

The two definitions of mad often get so close to each other that they actually become entangled. There may be occasions when that serves a purpose but probably not while you are standing in the voting booth.

The fact that you may be justifiably angry doesn’t mean that you should cast your vote for a candidate that is venting his spleen.

There are several candidates that seem to be foaming at the mouth. They are saying things that may rev up their core constituency but should be embarrassing in the light of day.

What do you think of a politician calling unemployment insurance unconstitutional while another calls it an entitlement program? Both statements are ludicrous but they come from two candidates for the Senate who are leading their opponents in the polls. This seems strange as 80% of the people support Unemployment insurance.

How are they ludicrous? The Constitution means what the Supreme Court says it means. They say that unemployment insurance is constitutional. Further, unemployment benefits are a part of what one works for. It’s part of the package. You are paying for it. That means it is insurance, not an entitlement or welfare.

Interestingly, the winners of the Nobel Prize for Economics were announced today. Of the three winners, one is a professor at MIT. A part of his work that is being honored centers on unemployment insurance. What does he have to say on the subject? He says that it is a beneficial program for our overall economy.

It seems that, if there is some income available to an unemployed person, a person will take slightly longer to return to the domain of the gainfully employed. The income provides a greater opportunity to find the best fit for his or her talents, education, training and experience. This, according to prospective Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond, helps make the economy more efficient.

Beyond his arguments, that income has a couple of other benefits. It acts as stimulus to the economy. People rarely do anything with their unemployment benefits except spend it.

We are fortunate that this, Social Security and other programs were enacted during the Great Depression. They keep a flow of money coursing through the economy. They put a floor under us, limiting how far the economy can slide.

Were it not for the monetary flow, the fundamentals of our present economic mess strongly suggest that this would have been a deeper depression than was experienced during the 1930s. If unemployment insurance were unconstitutional, we would be well-advised to amend the Constitution in record time.

I left out the argument that the Constitution makes the government responsible for aiding the general welfare of the people.

Anger does not justify putting people in positions of power who have such unbelievable ignorance about economics and the Constitution. They represent a real danger. That danger isn’t to Democrats. That danger is to the entire country.

Where do these people come from? They have been recruited by Dick Armey, Karl Rove and a bunch of miscreants that put us and our nation in jeopardy.

Do the people of New York really want a governor that threatens to “take out” the leading reporter in the state on the state political beat? Do they want a governor who delights in sending emails with bestiality pictures attached? What is his primary qualification? He has become a multimillionaire as an attorney for mobsters.

Is politics no longer a serious matter? Does it not matter who we elect? I am as critical of the scum that rules this country as anyone. That does not mean that I want to deliberately cripple the country for the gain of those parasites.

I want our country to succeed. Do I have feelings of anger? Naturally. Am I willing to vote for people who are ignorant of history, the Constitution, economics, Christianity and the misery that persists? If you break down their rants, you cannot avoid the anger that they direct towards the people, the nation itself. Calling oneself a Christian and a patriot does not make it so.

Be angry. It is justified. But, don’t lose your cool.

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog. I would like to continue being able to afford my daily cup of coffee and pound of caviar.

Many thanks,



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Yes, anger needs to be tempered with good judgement. While there are some Tea Party candidates I could vote for, Carl Paladino isn’t one of them.

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This is awesome stuff, its good to be in the know.

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