April 2016

Transparency Is Dangerous

April 17, 2016

hy would Hillary refuse to provide the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs? Because she is afraid you and me and John Q. Public would not vote for her. She is afraid it would destroy her campaign. She’s correct. Though it is being seriously devalued in this election cycle, your vote is the most […]

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Another Hillary Disaster

April 16, 2016

t is beyond belief that anyone could trust the honesty, competency or judgment of Hillary Clinton. While she has a head-full of wonk, there is no proof that she has mastered it. She had essentially total control of the effort to reform healthcare back in 1993. How did that work out? There is no question that […]

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Bill Clinton Lies . . . Naturally

April 9, 2016

he Clintons appear very comfortable doing their part for those struggling with Bill’s welfare reform. That reform is still working its wonders, by kicking nearly one million people off of food stamps this year – yes, in 2016. That’s one of Bill’s policies that Hillary touts. In my previous post I demonstrated that the Clintons […]

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Burning Bridges

April 7, 2016

ew politicians have the skills of Bill Clinton. Hillary is not one of them. She often seems stiff, programmed or shrill. Now, Ms. Inevitable seems to be panicking. Most of her insults and lies have been artfully crafted. Now they reek of frustration and are coming with greater frequency. It is to the point that she […]

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