March 2015


March 21, 2015

hey could go by many names. The 47 clowns. The 47 idiots. The 47 racists. The 47 bozos. The 47 incompetents. The 47 nincompoops. Take your choice. Or, I would suggest we refer to them at The Illegals. It’s appropriate.

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The Reagan Voodoo Legacy

March 21, 2015

irst, a few warnings. This article is on economics, the justly termed ‘dismal science.’ True, it’s not all that entertaining but it is worthwhile. It is my longest post ever, 4 to 5 times as long as usual. Still, it merits everyone’s attention. Lastly, I didn’t write it. Aaah. My apologies. It is a cut-and-paste […]

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Will Holder Act on the Logan Act?

March 16, 2015

hen federal law is violated, it is the responsibility of the  Attorney General to indict those violating the law. That seems simple enough. There should be no question. But, will Eric Holder indict the 47 senators scofflaws that, in their contempt for the Constitution, the law, the president and the nation, arrogantly demonstrated their ignorance […]

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Cowards, Traitors and Idiots

March 11, 2015

ere I was, all ready to write letters of thanks to the two senators from my home state. Silly me. Why would I even contemplate such an uncharacteristic act? I saw where Senators Coker and Lamar Alexander were among the seven Republican members of the Senate that did not sign the outrageous letter to the […]

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