December 2010


December 12, 2010

Despite my obsessions with current events, history and the rest, I sometimes need a respite. I spent most of yesterday listening to music. It was an idle I too rarely gift myself. There was a spectrum of genres to be savored. There were artists to be brought back to mind. There were moods to be […]

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Not Soy Good

December 11, 2010

Have you ever dieted? Have you ever tried? Age has brought on a decrease in my metabolism. Some of the medications I take have caused a further decrease. These and other factors have contributed to undesired weight gain. I blame my success at quitting smoking for adding to my problem. I frequently think I might […]

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December 8, 2010

One is not innocent until proven guilty. One is presumed innocent until proven guilty. At least that’s the way it is supposed to be. When it comes to Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange, however, the powers that be are doing everything possible to engender the presumption of guilt. Joe Lieberman, in an apparent attempt to appear […]

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Listen To Me

December 4, 2010

The revelations by Wikileaks point for me to a personal nexus. Because of this, I ask you to trust me; to trust my take on this entire brouhaha. It’s easy to go with the overwhelming push by the government, the media, the powers that be. If one side is all you have ever heard, it […]

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